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Visit Pärnu

Pärnu, our love


Here you are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. Pärnu has a lot of things in store! Visit us and we will tell you everything.

  • Peace and quiet in Matsi Beach

    If a 50-minute drive sounds like a joyful idea to escape the crowds of Pärnu, it is worth heading to Matsi Beach where you can find glorious sand dunes and beautiful pine trees. It is a very secluded area, a perfect place for enjoying real privacy and peace.

  • Taste some local cider!

    If you like traditionally produced cider, consider changing your trip to Normandy for a trip to Pärnu. We have several magnificent cider farms here in Pärnu, such as Jaanihanso and Tori. Both of these ciders deserve to be tried! And both farms are welcoming tasters for a visit.

  • Walk the pier to seal your love

    As we are used to saying here – go and walk the pier at least once a year. The pier, often also referred to as the Jetty of Pärnu, was built more than 150 years ago to deepen the port and to revive the trade. According to an old legend, young lovers have to walk to the end of the pier and seal their love there with a kiss. That is known to bring eternal love.

    Photo: Markus Kiili/Visit Pärnu

    Pärnu muul
  • A stone to carry away

    There is this really interesting person in Pärnu, a sculptor and a stonecutter Morsk. It is really nice to discuss world affairs with him and he is always happy to welcome guests and show them around his studio. Just be warned, should you fall in love with any of his art pieces, they won’t be easy to take home. It just weighs a lot, all this stone.

    Photo: Kadri Kõusaar

  • Hands on!

    f you are looking for cute souvenirs to take home or have itchy fingers to make something yourself, it is definitely worth looking into Vaas & Vaas. Hand painted gifts and different workshops like “Design Meets Wine” are just some of the keywords to mention. Interested? Well, you are on the right track.

  • Cover photo: Markus Kiili / Visit Pärnu